It’s been a long time between blogs here, mostly because I’ve been caught up in blogging on my Rosie Black Chronicles dedicated site. Since Genesis came out I’ve run the blog tour and also have been working on getting the second in the series, Equinox, ready to go the publishers. It’s been a big edit this time with lots of changes which hopefully will be for the better, but I have to get it in to get it printed and out to you. It’s due out next year, no date yet, but I’ll let you know when I do.
In other exciting news, Book 2 in my Twins of Saranthium series, Betrayal, was released in Germany in hardback last month. A gorgeous cover as always which I’ll post here when I can. I am planning on going back to work on the third and final book in the series in the new year. It’s titled Redemption, but you’ll still have to wait a while I’m sorry to say, it’s not due out until 2012.
I post a bit more regularly on my Rosie website at or you can also follow me on Twitter which I use far more often than I should! Find me @Lara_Morgan