I’m a bit behind but I am finally trying to put some words down about the fabulous time I had at Worldcon. It was, of course, wonderful, informative,hilarious and totally exhausting but worth every minute and cent spent to go.
Highlights: Meeting people I’ve only talked to online in the flesh – nothing beats it really. Having long conversations about Buffy where everyone is so keen and no one rolls their eyes and suggests talking about something as mundane as politics or the state of the world. Who cares really! Being at Worldcon was like being in a beautiful sci fi bubble where it was normal to pass a storm trooper on the way to a panel and fancy hats and tight bodices were everyday wear. Best Panel: so hard to choose, but I think The Series question panel I did with Ian Irvine, David (DM) Cornish and Kate Forsyth was the most fun – everyone had so many great things to say about how they worked and we were all quite different from chaotic and mildly planned (me and David) to tightly planned and totally organised (Ian and Kate). I also enjoyed watching the Vampire Zombie Smackdown panel which was complete with sprited audience participation. Best party: every one! But perhaps the London Bid 2014 was one of the most popular – or maybe it was all the free booze.
Lowlights: it’s over. But for those who couldn’t make it this year – you will have to save those pennies and head to the USA next year where it will be in Reno, Nevada.
Now on to blogging and book trailers. In honour of Rosie Black’s entrance into the universe I’m starting a blog dedicated to the series at wordpress ; www.laramorgan.wordpress.com I’m giving away a copy of the first book during October and November so go have a look.
And there is a fab BOOK TRAILER see it first at www.rosieblack.com and I am also lining up a blog tour so watch this space…