Twins of Saranthium Books – how do you find them?

I’ve had many queries of late about availability of the books in my fantasy series The Twins of Saranthium. People are having difficulty in finding them now, so I’m doing this special post to let you know what’s going on. Firstly let me say thank you all so much for your enthusiasm for the series and for contacting me about sourcing copies. I will be trying as hard as I can to get them out there and available as I know how frustrating it can be if you never find out what happens to the characters you’ve grown so fond of in a series! 

Unfortunately the english language versions of the first two books, Awakening and Betrayal, are no longer available for purchase at bookstores in Australia or New Zealand. This is just one of those things that sometimes happens in the publishing world. 

At the moment the only place you can source these in english is either at your local library or perhaps at a second hand bookstore. I am hoping to release english language ebook versions of the books, but at this stage nothing is yet organised. As soon as they are available I will post a notice here on my webpage. 

As for Book 3 in the series – Redemption – I am still writing it for the German market and both the first and second books in the series are available in German through Penhaligon – in hardback, softcover and as ebooks.  So if you read german you’re in luck and will be able to get Redemption, hopefully within the next year or so. I have no publication date as yet for Redemption in Germany but will let people know when I do – and hopefully it may be late this year. . As for the english language version, at this stage I have no english language publisher, but have not given up so please just hang in there I am trying to make it happen! If all comes to nought I will release Redemption as an english language ebook, but at this stage I cannot give you a date other than to say it’s unlikely to be this year.

Once again, thanks so much for all your messages and hopefully sometime soon I will be able to let you know where you can get the books in english. 

all the best
