On my soapbox: a woman’s worth

Women have always been valued for their beauty. Ever since Helen of Troy our worth has been weighed by the constructions of our faces, the litheness of our bodies and a lack of the perceived perfection of the time meant a woman may never be as valuable as her more pleasantly constructed sister. In some parts of the ancient world being beautiful was akin to goodness and being less than perfect, or the gods forbid, downright plain was a mark of your inherent badness.

How much has that really changed? I was wondering this to myself as I read an article recently which celebrated an American woman being the oldest cheerleader ever. Her body taut as a teenagers, blonde hair and slightly strained smile she stares into the camera with triumph. She is 42 and most definitely the oldest woman ever to be accepted into a cheerleading squad for a national football team. As I read of her joy at having exercised her way to athletic heights and gaining the position after the terrible doubts she felt standing in a line next to girls half her age, I wondered am I the only one who is disturbed by this? Am I the only one who instead of feeling a cheer coming on for her for scaling this bastion of youth feels a sense of disappointment and, yes, just a little bit of anger?

It is not that I denigrate her athletic achievements, or that it is an important achievement for her, but I wonder about this being held up as if is the best, the most important thing she’s ever done. And I worry that she believes it is. Cheerleading is undoubtedly ferociously tough on the women who choose to compete in it. They hone their bodies like gymnasts and to achieve those jaw dropping tosses and tumbles must take long hours of dedication. But still, at the end of it all what are they really considered to be? Outside of their inner circle, are they anything more than pretty girls who tumble and jiggle pom poms as entertainment before what is considered the more important event, the men’s football game? Are they? When they can no longer keep up with the demands of the sport and retire, will they be remembered like the footballers, or simply disappear?

Seeing this celebration of an older woman conquering a young woman’s field, I can’t help thinking, is this all there is for us? Is this what we’ve come to? Can we not age gracefully anymore? Are we still valued more in this society for our beauty, our bodies, than for anything else? If this woman had, instead of turning to cheerleading, gone to university and got a phd, or taken up leading a charity group in the Middle East, would she have received the same glowing coverage, the same gushing praise? Looking at how women are celebrated in the media I’m going to have to say no.

Increasingly women, and now even men, are praised the highest for having a makeover, losing that baby weight or exercising their way to supermodel lean. It is not that our intellectual achievements are ignored but they are rarely given the same wide eyed reception as when we lose ten kilos. No wonder we are becoming more and more obsessed with our appearances when so much of our value to society is tied up in it. And we are doing it to ourselves. Caught in the loop of wanting to fit in, wanting to be valued, we still stare at ourselves in the mirror and turn physical faults into character flaws. We all want to be beautiful because for thousands of years, society has told us we are worth more if we are. So what has changed? Can we change? I want to hope so, but the way we are going now, I just can’t see it.

Betrayal nominated for Tin Duck award

While checking out the latest info and zooming around the Swancon 2011 website today, I had a lovely suprise when I saw Betrayal listed as a nominee in this year’s Tin Duck Awards. 

After a trying couple of days working on book 3 in the trilogy it was so lovely and brigthened my day right up to see it there. The Tin Ducks are the WA writer awards for sci fi and fantasy and to be listed alongside some other wonderful authors makes a little warm place in my heart. I’m not sure if I can make it to Swancon this year, but I will try, I will.

Twins of Saranthium 3 – Redemption, CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION

Yes that is not a rumour, that is fact. I am, this year, working on the third and final book in the Twins series. 

A big hi and thanks must go to those people who have read the first two and liked them enough to take the time to contact me and ask about this third last book. Yes it is coming. No, I don’t have a publication date, but it won’t be until 2012. I’ve been typing away on the draft after coming up with the skeleton outline and am hoping it’s all going to go well. For me that is. Some of the characters are not going to fare so well. There will be deaths, but I’m not telling who will be skipping in the fields of the after life. Although, while not committing myself to anything, I am open to receiving bribes for that information in the form of chocolate, champagne and quirky sci-fi themed t-shirts. 

I’m also going to be working on the third book in my YA series, The Chronicles of Rosie Black. No title hints yet but you will be too distracted when the second book, Equinox, comes out later this year to worry too much about that yet. Hopefully. 

As I have two books in the fire, I’m typing until my fingers bleed – or that’s the plan. Stay tuned for assorted descriptions of days when I just dont’ get enough done. Like today. Word count is so tragic it can almost be considered negative. Hopefully no editors are reading this. 

In other news, to distract myself from my paltry need to stare mindlessly at the computer screen, I made a lovely batch of smoked salmon nori rolls, went for a swim with my dog (turns out he is not happy to be used in place of an inflatable sea biscuit – who knew?) and purchased some much needed printer ink, prawns and a tube of wasabi paste. Yes, life in the fast lane here, folks. Just wait until I regale you with my tales of floor washing and dish wiping!


PS there was one exciting thing that happened recently. A snake got into the outdoor loo (that’s toilet for proper folks and bathroom for North Americans) then disappeared. Am still looking for the wormhole it escaped through. Anyone in other dimensions who may have seen it, please do not send it back.

December 7, 2010

It’s been a long time between blogs here, mostly because I’ve been caught up in blogging on my Rosie Black Chronicles dedicated site. Since Genesis came out I’ve run the blog tour and also have been working on getting the second in the series, Equinox, ready to go the publishers. It’s been a big edit this time with lots of changes which hopefully will be for the better, but I have to get it in to get it printed and out to you. It’s due out next year, no date yet, but I’ll let you know when I do.

In other exciting news, Book 2 in my Twins of Saranthium series, Betrayal, was released in Germany in hardback last month. A gorgeous cover as always which I’ll post here when I can. I am planning on going back to work on the third and final book in the series in the new year. It’s titled Redemption, but you’ll still have to wait a while I’m sorry to say, it’s not due out until 2012. 

I post a bit more regularly on my Rosie website at http://laramorgan.com or you can also follow me on Twitter which I use far more often than I should! Find me @Lara_Morgan

Tour Date Oct 20, 2010 The last day…. but it’s a good one.

It’s the last day but there’s still so much to do. You can see me on Mabel Kaplan’s site talking about to her about Rosie’s past and future and all things Genesis

go to http://belka37.blogspot.com  and head on over to award winning author Sally Murphy’s blog as well where I’m chatting about the difference between writing YA and adults among aother things

got to http://sallymurphy.blogspot.com  and don’t forget you can win a Free Book on my blog at http://laramorgan.wordpress.com